Academy of Media Arts will offer Spanish courses beginning in Year 2 in a face-to-face classroom format; however, in the first year, if a student wishes to take it, s/he can do so through the online coursework with Rosetta Stone.

Spanish 1: (Course Description)This is a comprehensive introduction to Spanish emphasizing fundamental communicative-based competencies, grammar, and Spanish-language cultures. Students will actively learn to understand, speak, read and write simple questions and sentences on a variety of familiar topics in Spanish by the end of the second semester. The course goals and objectives are based on Stage I of the World Language Content Standards for California Public Schools (2009).

Spanish 2: (Course Description) Spanish 2 continues and expands on the communicative-based competencies, grammar, and Spanish-language cultures learned in Spanish 1. Students will actively learn to understand, speak, and write in extended discourse on familiar topics using an increasing variety of grammatical structures. They will also read simple texts written in Spanish. AMA will also seek to connect scholars with students from secondary schools in Spain or other Spanish –speaking countries via Skype (or other platforms) to create a community of practice. The course goals and objectives are based on Stages I and II of the World Language Content Standards for California Public Schools (2009).